Opeyemi Awoyemi, a renowned Nigerian entrepreneur and co-founder of Jobberman, has embarked on a new venture: Fast Forward Venture Studio. Unlike traditional venture capital funds, Fast Forward actively builds companies from the ground up, leveraging Awoyemi’s extensive experience in the tech industry.
Joining forces with his wife, Omolara Awoyemi, who brings valuable experience from Jumia and Facebook, they aim to bridge the gap between promising ideas and successful African startups. Fast Forward focuses on high-impact opportunities with the potential to reach millions of people and generate substantial revenue.
The studio’s approach involves identifying promising ideas, partnering with experienced operators to execute them, and providing comprehensive support, including seed funding, co-founder recruitment, and operational guidance. Fast Forward acts as a true co-founder, investing significant time and resources alongside the operating team.
With a focus on sectors like B2B services, fintech, e-commerce, and education, Fast Forward aims to nurture 3-5 successful startups annually. Their portfolio already includes promising companies like Bumpa, a social commerce platform, and AltSchool, a platform for learning tech skills.
Awoyemi emphasizes that Fast Forward’s hands-on approach and deep operational expertise differentiate them from traditional investors. Their early successes, including significant returns on investment, demonstrate the potential of this model.
While the venture studio model has faced challenges in the past, Fast Forward aims to be an outlier. With a strong team, a focus on high-impact sectors, and a proven track record, they are poised to play a significant role in shaping the future of the African tech landscape.